Join the Henderson Amateur Radio Club, Inc. for this year’s 2025 ARRL Field Day. Sponsored by the American Radio Relay League, or ARRL for short, Field Day is one-part contest, one-part emergency communications exercise, and one-part open house — and a great time. The theme encourages radio amateurs to take advantage of the peak of Solar Cycle 25, which we are nearing. Activity this year is likely to be extremely high, thanks to favorable solar conditions. The upper HF bands, such as 15 and 10 meters, should benefit most from the Cycle’s peak.
Field Day is open to all licensed ham radio operators, all GMRS radio operators, and all those from the general public interested in learning more about ham radio.
You do not need to have a license to participate! You don’t need to be a member of our organization to participate!
Hours of Operation
The club will be set up from 10 AM to 9 PM on Saturday, June 28, 2025. On Saturday evening, we will have a club dinner and our raffle drawing. Due to site limitations and members’ availability, we will not operate overnight until Sunday morning this year.
This year’s Field Day will be held from 10 AM to 9 PM on Saturday, June 28, 2025, at the Henderson/Green Valley Elks Lodge No. 2802, 631 E Lake Mead Parkway, Henderson, NV 89015. It is just east of Boulder Highway, and as you travel along Lake Mead Parkway, you are headed toward Lake Mead National Recreation Area or Lake Las Vegas. If you are a licensed amateur radio operator, please use one of the club’s linked repeaters to “talk in” to the event. For a listing of repeaters, please click here.
Buy W7HEN Branded Field Day Merchandise
After the success of last year’s t-shirt, we decided to go all in! This year, we’re turning our Field Day 2025 t-shirt into a full-blown competition! If you’ve got a knack for design, want to give back to the club, or just simply “have an idea,” now is your chance – submit your original t-shirt design to by 9 PM on Monday, March 17, 2025. The Board of the Directors will pre-screen the submissions and then HARC members will vote for the winning design via HamClubOnline, which is the same platform that we use to run our elections. The winning design will be announced at our March membership meeting.
A few things to keep in mind:
- Designs need to represent the Henderson Amateur Radio Club, Field Day, and our venue – this year, it’s the same venue as last year: Henderson Elks Lodge.
- The design must include the W7HEN call sign and the year 2025. These are limited edition t-shirts, after all.
- Keep it all original. Please, AI-generated designs can cause the club legal headaches when it comes to intellectual property and such, so let’s stick to the creativity of the human mind.
- We might need to slightly tweak the design based on our vendor’s recommendations. Last year, we went with a filled-in Nevada design that got just a little bit sticky in the late June heat.
The ARRL website recently posted this year’s design from the ARRL. You can also see previous ARRL designs on there to get some inspiration – but remember: We can’t copy anything. We don’t want any copyright/trademark strikes!