ARRL / Tony Dinkel Memorial Field Day*

(* To honor our friend and mentor, Tony WB6MIE (SK))


June 24-25, 2023

Saturday: 10am – 8pm

Sunday: 8am – 12pm

The American Legion BMI Post 40

425 E. Van Wagenen Street, Henderson, NV. 89015

Are you looking a new fun activity?

Learn about Ham Radios and obtaining your operator license or upgrading your current one.

Talk over the airwaves with the help of a licensed operator.

All ages are invited to join the fun.


What is Field Day?

Field Day is a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles. While some will treat it as a contest, the Henderson Amateur Radio Club (HARC) likes to take the  opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the organizations that Amateur Radio might serve in an emergency, as well as the general public. For the Henderson Amateur Radio Club,  ARRL Field Day is one of the highlights of our annual calendar.

HARC members use these same skills when we help with events such as marathons and bike-a-thons; fund-raisers such as walk- a-thons; celebrations such as parades; and exhibits at fairs, malls and museums — these are all large, preplanned, non-emergency activities

But despite the development of very complex, modern communications systems — or maybe because they ARE so complex — ham radio has been called into action again and again to provide communications in crises when it really matters. Amateur Radio people (also called “hams”) are well known for our communications support in real disaster and post-disaster situations.

What is the ARRL?

The American Radio Relay League is the national association for Amateur Radio in the USA, representing over 170,000 FCC-licensed Amateurs. The ARRL is the primary source of information about what is going on in ham radio. It provides books, news, support and information for individuals and clubs, special events, continuing education classes and other benefits for its members.2

What is Amateur Radio?

Often called “ham radio,” the Amateur Radio Service has been around for a century. In that time, it’s grown into a worldwide community of licensed operators using the airwaves with every conceivable means of communications technology. Its people range in age from youngsters to grandparents. Even rocket scientists and a rock star or two are in the ham ranks. Most, however, are just normal folks like you and me who enjoy learning and being able to transmit voice, data and pictures through the air to unusual places, both near and far, without depending on commercial systems.