Community Nets
The following nets are provided for your enjoyment and as a community service by the HARC. You are welcome to join in any of these community nets. These nets are all conducted by volunteer hams. The following list shows the scheduled days and times for the nets. Net descriptions are provided below the schedule. Please keep in mind that some nets are conducted by organizations outside of the Henderson Amateur Radio Club. We cannot be responsible for the content of these externally administered nets. We also cannot guarantee that all of the nets listed here will always occur as planned. If you do not hear one of the nets that is expected at a particular time, please inquire with each organization to confirm that their net scheduling has not changed.
HARC New Ham Net
HARC Last Saturday 2m Simplex Net
– Every last Saturday of the month at 8 PM on 146.520 MHz
– Every Monday at 7:30 PM
Held on the following frequencies:
447.325 MHz (-) PL 100.0 Hz
147.180 MHz (+) DPL 244
Also on Echolink *CCNVARES* and *NV-GATE*,
and IRLP Western Reflector Ch 3 (9253).
Separate DMR check-ins on Nevada Talk Group 3132: CC 15 TS 2,
HARC Sunday Night Net / Weekly at 7:00 PM – This net is a general net and is open to all. This is a “Controlled Net” which indicates that the operator running the net maintains control over the flow of communications. The net begins with an introduction and then proceeds to a section of information (QSTs) that reports news and information pertinent to the club’s activities. This is followed by a roll-call of HARC members. When roll-call is complete, there is an opportunity for any new or missed members and non-members to check in. Tim K7JTC serves as the Net Manager with a team of about ten members serving as Net Control Operators on a rotating basis. This net generally lasts until just before 8:00PM.
HARC Tek Net / Every Sunday at 8:00 PM – The Tek Net is hosted by local broadcast engineer Dan W7IVK. The net was originally hosted by Earl WB6AMT-SK, who sadly passed away in October 2023. In September 2024, the Tek Net was brought back under its new name, “The Earl Lizardi WB6AMT Memorial Tek Net.” Earl was a very thorough elmer that spent hours putting together a weekly visual presentation on our website to flow with his on-air net. That archive now serves as the basis and curriculum for this net.
HARC New Ham Net / Weekly on Thursday at 6:00 PM – This controlled net was designed with new ham operators in mind. The hour-long net is meant to provide a ‘no pressure’ operating experience for anyone who finds transmitting to be a stressful experience. New hams are encouraged by the control operator to talk, possibly for the first time, and to ask any questions they may have about HAM radio. The check-in is split into three sections: those licensed less than 90 days, those licensed less than one year, and then opened to all operators, regardless of their license status.
HARC 2m Simplex Net / Last Saturday of Month at 8 PM – This net tests the emergency simplex capabilities of operators in the Las Vegas Valley. Our simplex net is held every last Saturday of the month at 8 PM on 146.520 MHz. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcomed and encouraged to participate in our monthly 2m simplex net. Bill N4NJJ serves as the net manager.
Special Interest Nets
#APRSThursday Weekly Net / Weekly on Thursday from 0000 to 2359 (UTC) or 1700 (Weds) to 1659 (Thurs) (PST)
APRSThursday is a net managed by club member Michael KC8OWL, held every Thursday with the aim of growing message activity on APRS across the world. Many radio manufacturers are now including APRS functionality as a standard feature, making APRS more accessible, and hopefully more popular than ever.
How to participate in #APRSThursday
The APRS Thursday net is held each week on Thursday between the hours of 0000UTC to 2359UTC, which translates to Wednesday at 1700 until Thursday at 1659 in your local timezone. To participate in the net you must send an APRS (text) message addressed to ANSRVR with the message text in a specific format: CQ [space] HOTG [space] Your message text.
An example message might look like:
CQ HOTG Hello from the Las Vegas Strip.
If your message has been successfully recevived by the ANSRVR (announcement server), it will be sent out to all hams who have checked in within the last 12 hours. Your radio can also receive any new check-in notices for the next 12 hours (if you leave it on). There is also a Recent Check-Ins page (opens a new tab) where you can see if your message has been seen on the APRS network.
How to un-participate in #APRSThursday
Depending on how busy the net is, you might find that there are a lot of notifications of new check-ins and you might want to unsubscribe your call from the feed. To unsubscribe, simply send the following message addressed to the ANSRVR:
U [space] HOTG
Your unscribe message will look like this: U HOTG
You can WAS (Work All States) on #APRSThursday
If you’re really an APRS aficionado, welcome to #APRS Thursday – Worked All States. Yes, the first award program for APRS Thursday. It’s not meant to be a serious paper chase, just a fun way to add to the APRS Thursday experience and to help promote the net and make 1200 Baud cool again. Here are the rules:
- A valid contact must have an inbound message and outbound message during the same net to and from the base call sign, SSIDs do not matter.
- For purposes of this award the State will be as listed in the station qrz page. Washington DC and Maryland (DC & MD) will count as one state.
- All contacts must be made during the weekly APRS Thursday net, held every Thursday from 0000 UT to 2359 UT.
- Contacts on or after June 1st 2023 0000 UT are eligible for credit.
- Submit your WAS application to Rick Tejera, K7TEJ at K7tej@w7tbc.org, Subject line: APRS Thursday WAS Application <your Call>
This is an honor system, no need to submit records as proof of contact.
The application will be uploaded to the Files section.