Field Day 2025 T-Shirt Competition
This year, we decided to design the Field Day 2025 t-shirt in a competition among members. Different members of the club submitted their own designs. Designs submitted to the Board of Directors were vetted to ensure that all were appropriate. All submitted designs received by the Board of Directors met that minimal criteria. This is where you, the members, come in! It’s time to vote on the winning design. The Henderson Amateur Radio Club’s Board of Directors would like to thank each and every member who submitted a design. This year’s options are simply fantastic!
Since HamClubOnline does not allow for pictures to be included in the online balloting, you will need to reference this webpage to assist in your vote. When you are in HamClubOnline, you will need to vote for one option: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H.
Each letter corresponds to a design received by the Board of Directors.
You may only vote for one design.
The design that garners the most votes wins! We will then work with our t-shirt vendor to ensure everything will work as designed. The need for slight modifications might present itself based on our apparel vendor’s professional advice and guidance. (Remember, we’re a radio club, not a design/clothier club.) The Board of Directors reserves the right to slightly modify the winning design based on this professional advice. (Your Board of Directors aren’t fashion designers, either.)
To vote, you must log in to your HamClubOnline account, where you would have renewed your dues. Only current, dues-paying members can vote, and you may only vote once. Balloting will close at 5 PM on Tuesday, March 25. The winning design and designer will be announced at the General Membership Meeting that evening at 6 PM.
Design A

Design B (Will be fully colorized)

Design C

Design D

Design E

Design F

Design G

Design H (Will be fully colorized)