“Communications Service Monitors, what they do and how to use them.”
Below are some of the different monitors over a 25 year period.
But what is a “service monitor” as we have heard folks on the repeaters talk about them.
I will be concentrating on the CUSHMAN CE-5110 (the White face unit) pictured below and to the left. This unit cost between $17,000.00 and $22,000.00 depending on options it came with.
This is my personal unit and prefer it to the newer menu driven units for its speed of operation and its service life (they were built like tanks!).
A service monitor is a combination of several pieces of precision test equipment all wrapped up into one package.
In the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s a service monitor was an absolute must have in any two-way radio shop because most of the radios still had crystals that had to be set on frequency, thus the SM ( service monitor) had to have a precision oven controlled master oscillator for its reference frequency.
This allowed the technician to key the transmitter into a dummy load and with the SM in the “Receive” mode be able to read the frequency as well as see the waveform of the transmitter.
Maximum Deviation was measured and adjusted while talking into the transmitter’s microphone if needed. While keying the transmitter and not speaking into the microphone the technician could now see the waveform being created by the CTCSS tone generator and adjust the tone level accordingly inside the radio being measured.