Tek Net

January 29, 2023

"Ask the Pros" often called "Stump the Chumps"

Ask the Pros night is your opportunity to bring your questions…ideas…comments about anything Ham Radio or technically related to the net for an open forum discussion.

Chances are that we have a participating ham or hams that have just the right answer or response for you.

Got a project you just want to share with the group, that’s welcome also.

Last weeks topic bumped our Ask the Pros, because of the relevance concerning Hotspots.

Ask the Pros will be back on the third Sunday of the month as regularly scheduled.

In the next few weeks we have a two-part project on “Building your own Deluxe Hotspot”.

The first part will be on obtaining all the needed circuit boards (some are free or just a few dollars), chassis, misc. parts and the steps to program the Rasp Pi with Hamvoip and also program the internal UHF hotspot radio.

The second part the following week will be the wiring and interfacing of the boards to complete your Deluxe Hotspot project.

One hint about this project….you aren’t going to need a $150.00-175.00 Rasp Pi3 or Pi4 for this project.

Until next week....73 DE WB6AMT Earl