Field day is the ARRL’s annual “Open House” contest held on the 4th full weekend of June. This year is June 25th-26th.
The purpose of the contest is to get Ham Radio out of the personal radio rooms and into the public domain, where anyone can AND is encouraged to participate.
Thousands of Amateurs across the North American continent (that includes Canada!) will be trying to make the most contacts possible with their available space and equipment.
The Henderson club and the Sun City Anthem club joined for 2018 Field Day
Well, if Field Day isn’t until late June, why is the club talking about it so much?
It’s one thing for an individual amateur to operate an participate from his home shack (which is perfectly fine) or to go to a camp site and run her portable rig without much issue or planning, save reserving a good campsite. However, it’s a very different situation when a club with 200 registered members (not including XYL’s and kids!) wants to put on a well organized event.
People need to request days off from work (I took the whole weekend off!) and food and restrooms and other supplies need to be prepared
Don W7DGU shows his Back-up portable battery set-up to non-ham visitors
What are HARC’s plans for field day?
Who, What, When, Where?
This year we have an amazing group that volunteered to help plan the Club’s field day. So far (because anyone is welcome to join at anytime), we are being guided by Earl, Tony, Tim, Darren, Karol, and myself.
Our big announcement is that we have secured the use of the BMI Post 40 main hall for setup this year!
Every club member of both W7HEN and KK7ABH (Post 40 BMI TALARC) are invited to come participate.
Bring your family, bring your kids! There will be food, activities for all ages, and plenty radios for everyone (Especially if you bring your own!)
Earl WB6AMT and Gage KG7EWQ setting up a dipole antenna
Why did you say “when” if you already told us June 25th?
Well, we plan to have the event available for the full 24 hours of Field Day. So that means we have the Main Hall for Saturday 8am to 11pm and Sunday 8am to 11am. The Post has a regularly scheduled breakfast event that same Sunday and we are encouraged to stop in and grab some food while we finish our last few hours of the contest.
Also, for those who wish to operate during the late, late hours, the Annex / Modular will be made available after the Main Hall closes. Based on past years’ Field Days, that is when the bands really get going.
N6YKE Eric’s station on a shelf Go-box radio set-up
What can I do there?
Well, do you live in an HOA and need to learn about antennas? Come setup with us!
Have you always wanted to see if the IC-705 is worth the money?
Or maybe wondering if the FT-991A is the right rig for you? Come check out all the equipment that will be there!
Operate HF for the first time! But Andy, I’m just a technician. Since we will be using the Club’s call sign with multiple Amateur Extra Licensees supervising, all HF privileges will be accessible.
If you don’t want to operate or plan to operate as a home station, just come down and socialize!
Our shameless plug is that we are hoping to find someone who loves photography and wants to help us document the event!
Robert N7FLR explains CW morse code to visitors
How do I find out more and stay up to date?
That’s easy, for any of your HARC Field Day questions, simply email .
Tim or I will get your email and get back to you ASAP! To stay up to date, just listen to our weekly club Nets, come to Tuesday breakfast, and come to our Monthly meetings.
There’s always someone talking about it!
KC2WJO Jaime explains different bands and frequencies to visitors
Bill Hoge shows morse code to some young visitors
Kibitzing and snack time
This is our first time being able to offer a great 24 Hour Field Day experience for everyone, operators and visitors alike, BUT we can’t do it with all of you… giving some of your time and expertise and enthusiasm.
Plan for it…commit to it…tell your neighbors.
I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you HARC club members there, operating, visiting and being our Ham Radio Ambassators to any and all visitors that walk in.