June 26, 2022

2022 Field Day Follow-up

The HARC Field Day event is now written in the books and has been described by several people as one of the best they have attended, I have to admit that I’m one of those people.

Andy will get all the numbers for us to go over when he has completed collecting all his data.

I must say that I have been in many field days over the past 48 years and the people are what made it what it was. There will be some good points to file away to help us with creating an even better Field Day for 2023.


Of course netness and good organisational skills are paramount. . . .but if your method works – DON”T KNOCK IT!

Here is what it was like to jump in with both feet at a 40 meter pile up that occured during the afternoon.




A little hard to see is the dual band GP-3 VHF/UHF antenna that Tony was using for simplex contacts.

KB7HTA Tommy’s temporary Mesh setup, there was also a camera inside the annex trailer to monitor what was happening there.

Andy had his Buddi-pole/40 meter dipole combo.

And I put a square Halo 6meter antenna with a separate vertical element for both Horizontal and Vertical polarizations on 6 meters on a 12 foot tripod.

You can’t see them but the HARC club banner and the American Legion Radio club banner were prominently displayed out front on the fence.


Several modes were in operation and the band conditions changing, had folks all over the spectrum, trying to make contacts.

6 meters and 220 Mhz were for all practical purposes …..dead. There just wasn’t any stations on. Not even any weak digital signals were detected.

I have to say that I was surprised that there was so very little interference among the stations transmitting, no one had to suffer because of any other transmitter on the air.




Yesterday turned ou to be a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and catch up on some good ki-bitzing, and meet those new folks that were just a voice on the repeater.

KJ7POO Andrew was busy networking all day, every where.


Here is only one of several sign-in sheets.

I heard a fellow on the repeater say that it was too hot to go out to Field Day, all I can say is…. it was so pleasant inside at all the operating positions, both in the main room and in the annex trailer….that you missed out on a great event!

Andy’s Field Day Stickers were very popular, I didn’t see any left today.

Field Day dinner of Andy’s monster burgers were the way most folks like their burgers…thick, tasty & juicy delicious.

If you have any ideas that may add to the HARC Field Day experience for 2023, speak up and lets hear about it.

This year is the first time HARC has had its own Field Day and with the American Legion Amateur Radio Club working together, many have already given it a giant thumbs up!

73  DE WB6AMT – Earl